Our Mission Statement Is Simple: Withdraw The Permit Application

This NoIolaSandMine.com website has been created for the home owners and residents of the Township of Scandinavia and the Village of Iola who oppose the proposed Iola Car Show sand mine. The goal of this site is to keep everyone informed about the facts of this sand mine and to keep everyone up-to-date on the latest meetings and developments.

Our mission statement is simple: We oppose the sand mine and we are asking the Iola Car Show and Faulks Bros. to withdraw this application for the 30-acre sand mine. We are asking for No Iola Sand Mine, PERIOD. We will detail this position with facts and provide all the reasons we believe that this proposed sand mine is a terrible idea for our beautiful community. We will win this argument with FACTS. We do NOT want any shovels in the ground.

As we stated at the January 4th Township of Scandinavia Informational Meeting, we DO NOT OPPOSE THE IOLA CAR SHOW. We can’t say that enough. WE OPPOSE THE PROPOSED SAND MINE. That’s what we are in opposition about, not the Iola Car Show. We strongly believe that the Iola Car Show can prosper and thrive for years and decades WITHOUT this sand mine.

And why are we opposed to the sand mine? Location. It’s all about location, location, location. This is NOT the spot for a 30-acre sand mine. There are 11 homes/buildings within 500 FEET of the proposed sand mine. There are 43 homes/properties within a quarter-mile of the proposed sand mine with an Assessed Fair Market value of over $6 million. There are 220 homes/properties worth over $33 million within one mile of the proposed sand mine. 

It’s all about location, location, location. A sand mine on those 30 acres DOES NOT MAKE SENSE.

Please read the articles we have posted about the Iola Car Show sand mine and feel free to add your Comments to each story on our Facebook page. But we ask everyone to be cordial and polite with their comments and to back up any claims with facts. If not, we will take action against those posts. We are trying to unite our community during this time, not divide our community. Help us with facts and figures, not misinformation or insults. Thank you.

Greg Ambrosius
Iola Resident