Welcome To NoIolaSandMine.com

Welcome to NoIolaSandMine.com I am Greg Ambrosius and I will be managing this site.

I am identifying myself because I am passionate about this cause and I want you to know directly who is providing you the information and facts about the sand mine. Having an anonymous writer doesn’t give any credibility to the argument. And I will ask everyone who posts within the comments section on Facebook to provide their names so that we can all have a factual, transparent debate about this proposed sand mine.

Just for background, I have lived in Iola for the last 30 years with my wife and three children. Both my wife and I worked at Krause Publications for 20+ years and we still work and live in Iola today. My home is so close to the proposed sand mine that my 500-foot setback encompasses about 350 feet of the sand mine that they can’t now dig up. There are a total of 11 homes/buildings within 500 feet of the proposed sand mine, which common sense would tell you isn’t a good location for a sand mine. There are also 43 homes/properties within a quarter mile of the proposed sand mine and 220 homes/properties within a mile of the proposed site.

This just isn’t a good location for a 30-acre sand mine.

But don’t take my word for it. Let the facts either convince you that this is a bad location for the sand mine or convince you to support the sand mine. But let FACTS drive that decision.

We are going to provide stories and arguments to convince you why the Iola Car Show and Faulks Bros. should WITHDRAW this application now and then you can Like those arguments or even comment on them. But we will not stand for insults and misinformation. I will block, lock or delete posts on Facebook that could put us in legal harm, so post with facts or those posts will be dealt with.

As many of you know, I spoke at the January 4th Township of Scandinavia Informational Meeting against the proposed sand mine and I used a PowerPoint to present many of these facts. Look for some of those slides and facts in upcoming stories. This will help those who weren’t at the meeting gain more information on the proposed sand mine and even help those who were there have that information at their fingertips. It’s possible that this is information that is new to some people who haven’t made up their minds yet on the sand mine and it will help them learn a little more about how this sand mine will be affecting so many fellow homeowners in the area. Once you have that information, you can make an intelligent decision on the merits of the sand mine.

Welcome to our NoIolaSandMine site. We appreciate your input and comments and we hope you show up for every future meeting on this subject. If the will of the people is to accept this sand mine despite our protests, then we will live with that decision. But if the will of the people is to ask the Iola Car Show and Faulks Bros. to withdraw this application and never propose a sand mine in this beautiful, scenic spot of our community again, then they should accept that decision. Let the people decide.

Thanks for participating in the discussion. Now let’s get to work.