Town Of Scandinavia Signed Sustainability Resolution In 2013

While we know that this proclamation is not legally binding, it is good to know that just a decade ago the Township of Scandinavia and the Village of Scandinavia signed a Sustainability Resolution to protect the environment.

In 2013, a non-profit organization called Working Together for Waupaca County (WCWT) approached the town of Scandinavia to see if its officers would adopt this non-binding sustainability resolution. After a presentation to the Board by two of its officers, Jane Haasch and Helene Pohl, the resolution was unanimously adopted by the Scandinavia Town Board and also signed by the Village of Scandinavia Board. Basically the resolution stressed the need to protect the assets of the community.

Many other Wisconsin communities also adopted this resolution that year. In fact, Waupaca County signed the same pledge in December of 2013.

“This document, although non-binding, does speak to the will of the community’s representatives to ensure that the needs of their current citizens do not compromise the needs of future generations,” Pohl wrote to Town Chairman Gary Marx recently. “The resolution was an acknowledgement that Scandinavia needs to be mindful of the actions it undertakes and that every action often has long-term implications.

“Through the resolution, Scandinavia elected officials pledged to consider four guidelines to inform their decision-making: reducing its use of fossil fuels, minimizing its use of toxic chemicals, protecting natural resources, and meeting basic human needs,” Pohl added. “While considering the proposed sand mine application, the last two guidelines apply: a sand mine would drastically change the landscape, extract natural resources, and may endanger water resources. Basic human needs do include clean air and safe water.”

Marx said the letter would be read at the next Town of Scandinavia Informational Meeting. At this point, no meeting date has been set until Faulks Bros. and the Iola Car Show submit a revised permit application. A “clean” permit is needed just for the Township of Scandinavia sand mine after the Village of Iola said their zoning laws did not allow mining extraction. 

We will post details on the next Informational Meeting once they are known.