Music Fest

Our neighborhood group in the Township of Scandinavia is appealing the decision by the Waupaca County Planning and Zoning Committee to grant the sand mine permit to Faulks Bros. and the Iola Car Show.

The Planning and Zoning Committee originally denied the permit 3-2 on August 22nd, but after receiving pressure from an appeal by Faulks Bros, the board asked for a "reconsideration" vote and approved the permit 4-1 on January 23rd. Despite no new evidence, two board members flipped their votes to allow the permit to pass.

We have since appealed this decision and have hired Christa Westerberg of Pines Bach LLC in Madison to represent us. We feel confident that we will prevail on appeal and prove that the law was not followed in this "reconsideration" vote.

But it's going to be costly to appeal and we need the community's help. We have scheduled a GoFundMe account here where you can make a donation that will offset some of our legal bills. And we have also scheduled a fund-raiser called Music Fest that will be held at the Northland Sports Bar and Grill in Iola on Sunday, May 5th from 1 to 6 pm. We will have up to 8 bands performing on two stages and donations are welcome then. Come to see some great bands and donate.

Come join us and donate whatever you can. Let's bring the community together for a good cause and keep our beautiful rural setting as it is today. Please contribute if you can and please join us on Sunday, May 5th for a great, great cause. Thanks all and we'll see you there.