Decision On Faulks Bros' CUP Delayed Until January

On Tuesday, December 5th, the Waupaca County Planning and Zoning Committee was scheduled to make a final decision on the Faulks Bros. sand mine permit in the Township of Scandinavia, but that didn't happen. The board voted to wait until late January to meet again and vote on this permit.

Why did the board delay this decision? Two reasons:

  1. Board member Joe McClone was unable to attend the meeting and with such an important vote the board decided to wait until late January when all five board members were present for the vote. It was the right call since the last vote ended in a 3-2 decision to deny the permit.

  2. A total of 15 citizens gave comments during the public comments forum. Many of the comments were corrections of statements made by Chairman Jim Nygaard and County Attorney Diane Meulemans and were used to correct the public record. Neither person disputed any of the corrections. As a result, board member Cindy Hardy said she needed more time to research some of the items that were presented that day. That, along with one board member missing, was the reason for the delay.

If you would like to read the public comments, they are listed below in the order they were presented. Again, this was NOT new testimony, but corrections of the public record made previously by the leaders of the Waupaca County Planning and Zoning Committee. Enjoy.

Public Comments