Faulks Bros. & Iola Car Show Resubmit Permit Application

IT'S OFFICIAL: Faulk Bros. and the Iola Car Show submitted a new permit application to Waupaca County on January 26th and the Township of Scandinavia Board received it the week of February 20th.

The battle over the Scandinavia Sand Mine is back on.

Very little has changed on this permit other than the Village of Iola sand mine project has been removed. That consisted of 7.5 acres and was denied when the land was not zoned for a sand mine. Now Faulks Bros. is asking to mine 22 acres in the Township of Scandinavia over that same 10-15 year time period. No end date is listed.

You can see the permit application below. An Informational Meeting is the next step and we will post the date and time of that meeting once we get it from Town Chairman Gary Marx. Mid-April is a likely meeting date. Stay tuned.