Make Sure You Are Heard At The July 12th Waupaca County Planning & Zoning Committee Meeting

The last and final step of the proposed Scandinavia Sand Mine takes place on Wednesday, July 12th at 1 pm in the Waupaca County Courthouse, Room LL42. That’s when the five members of the Waupaca County Planning and Zoning Committee will hear from the applicants (Faulks Bros. and the Iola Car Show) and ask questions about this permit application.

The public will also be allowed to speak for up to 3 minutes per person after the applicants have been questioned. If you want to be heard, you are invited to attend the meeting and speak up.

However, there is another way to be heard if you can’t physically come to the early afternoon meeting. You can write your thoughts in an email and send to by July 11th. All written comments will be read at the meeting, so please support us with a written letter to the board.

Some of us have already written letters to the board even though we plan on being at the meeting. They will read all letters written to the board and sent to Jason Snyder, so don’t be shy. Get on your computer, send your thoughts and let the board know what you think about this proposed sand mine before they vote. You can help and we ask you to help if you’d like.

Click on the buttons below to read some of the letters we’ve sent already: