We Have An Opinion From The Heart And An Opinion From The Lawyer

There are many heartfelt reasons for the proposed sand mine not to go forward, but we’ve also learned that there are many legal reasons why this plan should not go forward.

Right now we’d like to provide one opinion against the proposed sand mine that comes from the heart and one that comes from a legal mind.

Helene Pohl, a long-time area resident, provides the first feedback. Helene worked on the Comprehensive Plan from 2003-07 and at the January 4th Scandinavia Town Board meeting she asked the elected officials to honor the 2007 Scandinavia Comprehensive Plan. She had worked with Township Planning Chairman Gary Marx from 2003-07 to write the Comprehensive Plan and she specifically asked him to honor what they had agreed to.

Helene went one step further and sent a letter to the Scandinavia Planning Commission on January 7th and she is allowing us to print that letter here. Read what courage and conviction looks like from someone who loves this area so much.

Our legal opinion comes from Christa Westerberg of Pines Bach LLC, Madison. Read why she says the permit CAN’T be approved by the Town Board.