Here Are More Letters That Will Be Read On Wednesday

The following letters have been written by Town of Scandinavia residents and will be read during the Waupaca County Planning and Zoning Committee meeting for the Iola Car Show/Faulks CUP Application. This meeting will be held on Wednesday at 1 pm at the Waupaca County Courthouse, Room LL42, and everyone is invited to attend.

If you have written a letter and would like to have it posted on this website, please use the contact form listed on the home page or send it to Greg Ambrosius at

All letters must be submitted to Jason Snyder by Tuesday, July 11th to be read at the meeting.

Send your letters to:

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We are writing to express our strong opposition to the proposed sand mine in our community. As a resident of this neighborhood, we strongly believe that permitting this operation would have detrimental effects on our quality of life, the environment, and the well-being of the residents. It goes against the purpose of the Waupaca County Non-Metallic Mining ordinance, which aims to promote health, safety, prosperity, and general welfare of the people and communities of Waupaca County.

Firstly, the location of the proposed sand mine is surrounded by seven neighbors who have chosen to live in this community because of its tranquility, peacefulness, and natural beauty. The introduction of a sand mine would disrupt the harmony that has been carefully cultivated over the years. The associated noise, dust, and heavy traffic generated by mining operations would be a constant source of disturbance for the residents, affecting their peace of mind and overall quality of life.

Furthermore, the environmental impact of the sand mine cannot be ignored. Our neighborhood is endowed with natural wonders, including lush forests, diverse wildlife, and wetlands. These ecosystems provide a delicate balance that supports the health and well-being of both humans and wildlife. The extraction process of sand mining often involves the removal of topsoil, destruction of habitats, and disruption of natural drainage systems. This would result in irreversible damage to our environment, leading to soil erosion, water contamination, and loss of biodiversity. Preserving these natural resources should be of utmost importance to us, ensuring a sustainable future for generations to come.

The sand mine's impact on property values is a critical factor to consider. Proximity to an industrial operation like a sand mine would inevitably lead to a significant decrease in the value of our homes. A study conducted by Marquette County in March 2022 revealed that properties in close proximity to such operations could suffer up to a 25% reduction in value. Moreover, a comprehensive statistical study conducted by Auburn University in 2017 supports this finding.

If this board ultimately decides to vote yes on this permit, it means that you have approved the establishment of the most densely populated sand mine site in Waupaca County. This fact alone should serve as sufficient reason to deny this permit. Thank you for your time and consideration.


Aaron & Betsy Grant

Olson Rd. residents

A sand mine should not be located in a residential area due to the potential negative impact it can have on the well-being and quality of life for residents.

The sole motivation behind the Iola Sand Mine proposal is driven by greed, prioritizing profits over the welfare of the neighboring community.

There is substantial evidence available that supports the denial of the Conditional Use Permit, leaving the applicant unable to hide behind the protection of Act 67.

The local government has taken a unanimous stand against the proposed mine, recognizing the concerns and interests of the community they represent.

The proposed sand mine violates many of the Counties ordinances, which should be a slam dunk for denial.

We ask that the County government and Waupaca County Zoning deny this permit.

Thank you for your time.

Gregg & Barbara Johnson

To All Zoning Members,

After reading ordinance 38 by County Board of Supervisors 21.4 Groundwater Monitoring.

This has never been addresses by Faulks at any of the preliminary meetings. The public and or neighbors have brought Wells up numerous times to their concerns about there wells, and it has been simply brushed over.

This ordinance states, and won't quote it all that:

The applicant must send a certified letter to all property owners within 1,320 feet of the proposed perimeter of the proposed extraction. Faulks Is responsible for these well tests. This has been completely brushed over without addressing this issue. Neighbors just have been told it will be okay, it won't affect their wells nor will they be tested ahead of the permit.

Also, there is a building right in the center of the Mine site operated by Iola Car Show. This also is not shown on any maps or discussed as a set backs.

Current power poles are at higher Land Elevations than the mine proposed Excavation, they were not addressed as to how the Electrical service will be handled. Never mentioned either.

And the final point I'd like to make is that of Section 27 1.4 regarding appearance, being appropriate with Existing, and Intended Character, and maintained of the general vicinity, that it WILL NOT Change the Essential character, diminish the use or Substantially impair visual, VALUES of the properties in the area.

Finally the Conditional use permit needs to be compatible and consistent with all Township ordinances, which was denied, also County ordinances.

This is a very poor idea and plan that has been presented to the town, people and County. To allow this would be a travesty for all, now and in the future, here, and for other towns and communities ,not wanting a mine in their back yard. When there is adequate land elsewhere, non developed with homes and people, and families

Please consider these issues in your decision when voting on this Application.

Brian Kasten

Dear Waupaca County Planning and Zoning Committee,

I will start by saying the land for the proposed sand mine was owned by Willard and Louise Jole and purchased by my father Mati Palm Leis Sr. I have plowed its fields and harvested from this land long ago. So I will admit a sentimental tie to the land, having known this property for more than 45 years, I am more intimately tied to the property than most. My father intentionally sold the land to the Iola Car Show for the price he purchased it from the Jole’s, making zero profit yet having paid taxes on the land for the many years he owned it. He understood the value of the Iola Car Show to the community and the land was vital to the expansion of the car show grounds. His intention and motivation were to serve the public good, not his personal profit.

I own the land directly to the south of the proposed site. It is my intention to return to the community and retire on the property. The idea of dump trucks continuously rolling down Olson Road as a regular part of the day erodes my desire to be exposed to it and returning. I have listened at length to my neighbors about their many concerns. Concerns that seemed to be reasonably protected by the various local, county, and state laws and ordinances. From my vantage point, if the proposed site is approved, the governmental systems, laws, and ordinances would have failed to reasonably protect the public interest, including the neighbors surrounding the proposed mine site. Those laws and ordinances are designed to make Zoning Committees work easier in serving the interest of the public good, providing guidance to find a balance for both commerce and private citizens. Failing to reasonably adhere to them would seem to indicate an ulterior motive than serving the public good.

If those concerns and governing laws and ordinances are insufficient to dissuade the board from denying the project moving forward, I will offer a final thought. My father taught me that sometimes when making difficult decisions that impact others the Golden Rule seems to offer some sense of meaningful insight.

Respectfully Submitted,

Dr. Mati Palm Leis

N6896 Olson Road

Iola, Wisconsin 54345


We are writing to express our strong opposition to the proposed sand mine in our community. My family and I live south of the proposed sand mine on County Road J. My husband and I purchased our property five years ago with the intention of raising our children in a serene, country environment. We would not have purchased this property if there was or would be a sand mine a quarter mile down the road. 

Our children are 4 and 8 years of age. With the idea of a 15-20 year or no end plan for the proposed sand mine, this takes away our dream of raising our children in a quiet, safe, and healthy environment. We are concerned with the noise pollution from increased truck traffic and from the mine. We are also very concerned about the potential water and air pollution that this proposed mine will have on our health and environment. 

Increased traffic on County Road J is another major concern for my family. We enjoy taking walks and riding bikes around the area. Trying to cross a road or walk/bike down a road with 20-ton trucks driving by does not sound fun, especially with children. 

We ask that the County government and Waupaca County Zoning deny this permit. 

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Mackenzie, Bobby, Oonagh & Ollie Burns

Dear Waupaca County Planning and Zoning Committee,

We are writing this letter in great opposition to the proposed sand mine. We first would like to note we are not against sand mines, we are against the very poor location of this one.

My husband and I, along with our 9 month old son live on Keatings Lake Drive. We fell in love with this location 3 years ago, the beautiful and quiet town with abundant wildlife. We would have thought twice about purchasing if we had known a noisy and dusty sand mine would be proposed to be put in within a half mile of us. We are concerned for effects this could have on the environment as well as the value of our property.

We are also concerned about raising our child in close proximity to the proposed sand mine and all of the noise pollution that will come with it.
Proposing this idea is one thing but it is disheartening to see that even after the Town of Scandinavia board voted against it, the Car Show is still trying to push it through. Very sad to see the relationship strain between the neighbors/community and Car Show over this. An organization that is supposed to be community based has a funny way of showing respect to the community this way.

We ask you to please respect our elected officials’ decision to deny this sand mine permit.
Thank you for your time.

Mikayla and Lucas Cate

Waupaca County Planning and Zoning Committee:

Dear Committee,

This message is sent to you for the purpose of evidence that the proposed sand mine will have a negative impact on our property use, enjoyment, and value to our neighborhood.

Our property is located on Hermanson Lake Road and our lot runs to Highway J.  The land that runs to J is where we have our walking trails for ourselves, dog, vegetable garden, sitting areas, and hunting shack. The impact on this area will greatly suffer if the Sand Mine Operation is in our neighborhood due to the heavy, loud traffic that is to be taking place over the next 10 to 15 years. The area has been a place of solace to us and it saddens us greatly that one neighbor could be given the right to take that away from us, and all of our neighbors surrounding the ICS sand mine proposed area. I have attended all the meetings and heard from Iola Car Show and Faulks Brothers that the Sand Mine won't necessarily cause your properties to lose value. In my opinion of having several years as a Realtor and in Real Estate, the claims that the proposed sand mine will not negatively impact our property values is undoubtedly false and also dishonest speculation from the two benefactors of the project.  I would like to see factual evidence of similar scenarios where the property values in the area have not decreased if a Sand Mine moves in.  Location is one of the predominant determinants to a property’s value and either raises or lowers the comparable properties in the area, this is factual and with a sand mine in the proposed location it would decrease the property values around it due to the various negative aspects of the mine.

We would have never picked this location if our next door neighbor was a sand mine. When we purchased this property 14 years ago and then built our home on the land 5 years later, we did not have any traffic, drinking water or health risk concerns. If the ICS application is approved, we will be dealing with all those risks and concerns.

Lastly, I would like to say that our neighbor, the Iola Car Show Board has heard our concerns and fears and have been asked to take back their application. The response from the Board was an insensitive stance that they are pursuing with the Application. While it pains me to think and say this, I no longer trust or think of the Iola Car Show Board as a Good Neighbor.  A Good Neighbor is Respectful, understands boundaries, and is respectful of their neighbors time, space, and considerate of their neighbors property. The ICS Board has pursued only their needs and in doing so have failed us and hurt not only us but the community as a whole. The purpose of a Non Profit Organization is to improve the quality of your community, and not damage it at the expense of others.  The Iola Car Show was built on the backs of the community and the volunteers that have put so much time in to help us all, and to detriment all that time and effort because of this sand mine is not right.

In closing, please deny the Iola Car Show CUP Application.


Ryan Olson and Kathy Bruce

E2449 Hermanson Lake Road, Ogdensburg

To whom it may concern,


We bought our home & planned on a peaceful low key retirement at our Keatings Lake home. 

We have accepted & adjusted to the yearly 3 day car show but find it hard to believe that a sand mine with multiple dump truck traffic will not disrupt our community.

My husband worked hard his whole life and at age 70yrs old found his retirement was railroaded by bone cancer (after beating colon & prostate cancer) so, the tranquility of our dead end local for our lake home has been a blessing for him at this time in our lives.

PLEASE don't take that from him now...


Joanne & Larry Davis

E2385 Keatings Lake Drive